Time seriously has "flown by". I haven't even posted Hyrum's newborn pics, our family pics that we took weeks ago, or anything I've wanted to really. But I'll get to it one of these days. Can you believe my little man is already a month old today?
I HAD to make Hyrum a little newborn cape like the one I made Brody. I had enough fabric left over to make a tiny one as well as one the size of Brody's for when he gets bigger. It's going to be so fun to watch my little men play together- they are already best friends as was predicted.
that's a tree below btw, tony couldn't tell. ha!

I HAD to make Hyrum a little newborn cape like the one I made Brody. I had enough fabric left over to make a tiny one as well as one the size of Brody's for when he gets bigger. It's going to be so fun to watch my little men play together- they are already best friends as was predicted.
that's a tree below btw, tony couldn't tell. ha!
Happy one month, Hy.
Seriously, this is adorable. I love that first photo with them in the sky!
thanks for posting this, made me smile big time. ♥
I can't believe he's a month already! Wow, time does fly by!
Melanie's Randomness