Just thinking...

I love my music room.  I know it doesn't look like much (that is, if you've been to my house and seen it)... but it means the world to me.  Besides the fact that I love music, I love that Tony said to me the first day we met:

"when we get married, we'll have a music room and make music together." 

Oh. em. gee.  *melts*

And lookie, we have one.


I'm also thinking, 

I rock a needle and thread.  Read why...

for approximately 5 hours yesterday I worked on assembling this years Halloween costume (this is a first for me).  Usually, I'll head to the nearest Wal-mart or wear last years costume.  Really now.   This is a whole new domestic side of me... and if I do say so myself, I did a smashing job!

10-11-09 (12)

The best part about it??  I sewed it all by hand!  I felt so.. project runway.  Except they actually do have sewing machines.  And mannequins.  My sewing machine works great... I think.  I don't exactly have a cord or a pedal for it.  Hence, the sewing-it-by-hand bit. (no you may not see or know what I did... not yet, anyhow)


I have a pet peeve, I've decided.  Yes.  SingularA pet peeve.  Ok, that might not be true.  But for one, receipts...  *shudder*

QT, thank you for being a cute, reasonably sized receipt... not to mention environmentally savvy.  All that paper savin'.  Auto zone needs to get the memo that it's NOT ok to supply their customers with a book every time they make a purchase.  I literally got one the length of my arm the other day when I bought one thing.  Tell Target too- who will give you like 17 receipts with every purchase.  Just saying.  UGH... sooo annoying how friggin long and ridiculous receipts are these days!  Ok, glad that's off my chest.


Love, Connie


Cristin said…
Wait! Why don't we get to know what you are being for Halloween?
salena said…
Cant wait to see what you're gonna be! I have no idea what to do yet for mine...or Stevens!
I hand sewed Jasper's ghost head last night. I think hand sewing is more fun in a way..you can just sit on the couch and watch a movie (or listen) while you do it. Plus I cant seem to get the machine to go a few inches without getting all tangled. Anyways...
Love the music room! I want my own kareoke room like my dad has.
Busy Bee Lauren said…
I want to see your costume!!
yee Haw said…
Can't wait to see what you made! LOL about the recieipt thing. I hate the fact that on the extra long receipts they all want you to call and "grade" them. LOL ummm, I give you a 10 because you took half my check for 2 weeks worth of groceries!!
Anonymous said…
that's so sweet!

as fair as receipts...ugh. i know. long receipts are a pain. i say cvs is the worst!

i can't wait to see your costume! :) :)
Jessie said…
Oh man, I can't wait to see your costumes!!! And I''m quadruple impressed that you sewed them by HAND! (I'm a bit worried tho, because Mr. Host & Mrs. Hostess do not have costumes of their own ready for the party...make us some too?)
Tiffany Haynes said…
Rob would love to have a music room someday.

You poor thing sewing by hand. Not fun! I borrow my mom's machine or I totally would have let you use mine. Can't wait to see your costume! I've got to get sewing ours.
Alexandria said…
So not fair to tease us with the costume Connie! Can we at least have a hint?

By the way your ring is to die for! I love it...

Ooooh receipts...or devil-ceipts as I like to call them. Srsly, no joke I got three seperate devil-ceipts at Target yesterday...out of control!
Caitlin said…
I can't wait to see your costume!

I completely agree with you about receipts. Except, I always get really tiny receipts at Target!
Whitney said…
I cant wait to see what you made!!! Im cracking down and making Miss P's this week. Now if I could only make up my mind on if she will be a ladybug or tinkerbell. The choices!! I hope one day I will have a music room. And we will have concerts for our family.
Anonymous said…
yea i can't believe i said that the day we met! when you know, you know! Now all we need is a Mac to make use of these creative juices!
Lauren said…
He said that the day he met you?! Whoa. Hot stuff.

Um so you must tell me what your dressing up as. I have to dress up for Bunko tomorrow and I have NO ideazzz!

And I just want to know what you sewed by hand! Cuz that's awesome.
Annie said…
i want to know what you are going to be! how awesome that you made your own costume, you are talented girl!
btw, your ring is gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
I love the music room. I've always envisioned one too---black, shiny grand piano on a raised white carpeted floor---and all the other musical instruments surrounding it---guitar, violin, flute,and a nice harp to go with it. Anyway, it is good to have something you have always dreamed of. I liked seeeing all the stuff you bought for your costume and cannot wait until the REVEAL (even though you clued me in already on the what of what you are going to be)! Finally, I am starting to throw away receipts by the gobs full---I think they recycle very well. Probably could keep the world supplied in recyclable products with them all! I love you! Love, Mother p.s. Thanks for fixing my blog problem!
show a pic of the costume! i wanna seeeeee.

Alexa Mae said…
Love the teaser! Makes it more exciting to see the pics. Receipts=the devils bff. I loathe them, but I love you! ;)
Unknown said…
Obviously the costume is top secret, so it must be pretty darn good! If you have any last-year's models I can borrow, the kids would die if I actually dressed up for once!
ashley wright said…
youre all sneaky and not gonna tell us what your costume is :) (its more fun that way though ! ) cant wait!

Um , i HATE receipts too. Whenever i go to return something, i realize i have usually thrown the wrong one away! stupid.

have a great day :)
Kellen and Erin said…
Connie you are amazing. I'm just looking over all the posts I've had to catch up on, and I'm in awe of the pictures you take and your "take" on life in general. I guess I"m amazed because this isn't what your blog looked like when I first met you! Not that it was bad at all, I just didn't realize how talented you were. I was just looking at your "simple" post and I really liked that by the way. And late congrats on your anniversary!!
Natalie said…
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Natalie said…
dear connie,

you are too cool for school. will you teach me how to play the piano? i can play hymns..not very well. i can sight read SLOOOOWWWWLLY. i taught myself :-P my trick: find some crazy-cool asian-composed sheet music, write out all the notes, slowly learn it, memorize it, play it and SHABAM! people think i can play.

but i can't.

<3 Natalie
Lacey said…
I can't wait to see your costume! BTW, thank you for your encouragement a week or so ago when I posted on being lonely and wanting to find a small group. It meant a lot:)
Melly Mel said…
I can't wait to see the costume!!! You are darling!
Nancy Face said…
Blockbuster has ridiculous receipts too...they look like a job application or something!