Tony and I were able to run the Color Me Rad 5k in Goodyear this month sponsored by Connie B Photography! It was such a blast! Tony was a little skeptical (so was I) at the kind of event it would be but it was really family friendly and just what the doctor ordered. It definitely was the most fun "workout" I've ever had. Being with Tony was the best part- he knows how to make a fun activity even more fun. You'll see. He and I have never ran a race together so this was such a treat! I can't believe we let 8 years of marriage go by without doing something like this. I've ran several races with my mom and sister since marrying Tony but this is the first one with HIM.

We ran it without stopping and just under a 10 minute mile pace. Considering how out of shape we've been, we did good(: I ran a mile at 8:27 at the gym recently that I'm pretty proud of. Especially since I have a healing ankle and a bad knee. Man getting old blows sometimes. Tony also has a healing foot. We're animals at the gym so we keep getting injured haha!

Look at me (above right) all clean right after the race and then Tony went and wasted me GOOD! The blue powder entered my mouth pretty heavily. I wouldn't recommend snacking on that stuff. Such good times!