Hyrum - 5 months

I can't believe it's already been FIVE months since I birthed this adorable kiddo.
Time has flown (and didn't I JUST do his four month pic?)
He's getting old faster than I can think up these scenes(;
Anyway at 5 months Hyrum...
-babbles all day - a lady at church commented how cute he sounds (:
-ROLLS OVER! like an old pro
-stands when I hold his hands- loves that
-wakes up a lot in the night. it's all good
-wants toys all day long- grabs and holds them
-gets frustrated when he drops a toy or cant chew on it
a certain way.  haha.  You'd have to be there.(;
-still LOVES baths- splashes a ton and drenches mommy
-loves music, being ticked, diaper changes, being held (lots)
-has the fuzziest hair known to man
-blows bubbles
-chews/sucks on everything and anything
(gave his arm a hickey, he sucked on it so hard)
I'm guessing in the next month he'll start to eat solids and maybe *hopefully sit up unsupported?  
Actually scratch that...
Hyrum, you stay this little forever.
I love you little mister.


Signe said…
Yeah! I get to comment first! He is a cutie! Hope you guys are having lots of fun in KY!
Anonymous said…
Love Hyrum's month milestone pictures...so cute. Hey, whenever you want some bangs you know where I live. You might just have to bring me a cupcake though...ha.
I heard of a new one by Costco. So we have got to go before I leave. You tell me Mon. Tues. or Wed. what day is best for you...
ConnieB said…
A new cupcake place?! I'mTHERE! We're there! Let's go! ...i'll text u (;
Hes so cute and these are so creative!
Ashton Dene' said…
Such adorable pictures and I love the gif of him diving. :) He's lucky to have you as his mom, you're so creative.
Bridget said…
OMG i love these photos.
Venassa said…
This is my favorite of his pictures so far! Looks like he had fun taking it too. He's growing so quick.
ashley wright said…
SO SO SO CUTE :) Love your blog. Youre just darling :)
JED said…
I love my Hyrum! Man, do I miss you guys!
Monique said…
I adore the month-milestone photos. So sweet!
Courtney B said…
Oooh SOO cute! I love the diving board :)
You have the cutest babies!!
Heidi said…
SO adorable. That just made my day!
Mars said…
cutest cutest cutest baby!! I love these pictures too. So creative you are :)
Devin & Ruthann said…
I LOVE these pics! You are SO talented!
Lauren said…
To say I love this is a total understatement! So cute! :)
dee said…
Cutest animation EVER!!
Lacey said…
great pics connie:) Love it!