Where we stayed:
Mmmm my husband is a hottie
We started making a professional sand castle so I ran back to the house to grab my camera and right when I went to take the picture... haha
We went to the wedge where they have huge crazy waves... it was the only place we found any sand crabs- i felt like a kid again, I used to love finding those as a kid. :p
I loved the wax mustaches/lips when I was a kid! Tastes like grape! (;
We left the beach house on the last day and met up with my mom and sisters family who brought Brody back to us! He was pretty mad at me when he saw me but he soon forgave me for ditching him (: I love the ring my brother Mike got me for my birthday!
It was so fun- I was sad to leave California and leave my great family behind. It was so great to be with all of them again! I'm so blessed to have them all- despite our distance we've always been close, I'm grateful for that.
ps- Steven says he misses Tony.
I loved your mustache... amazing!
Ditto to what everyone else said, you're an adorable pregnant girl. When I was pregnant with Ruby I swear I dressed like a 40 year old women because I couldn't find any maternity clothes that were decently priced! haha
Your mom has the coolest retro bathing suit ever!
You are the cutest pregnant woman ever!
You were in my hometown :-) Yayy.