Everyone NEEDS to know this

When I was working on homework for my science class...

"Each of the following figures shows a person (not to scale) located on Earth..."


Just so you know guys- this is NOT TO SCALE... nice to know, right?


Leigh said…
that's hilarious!! very kind of them to point that out. it would be kind of scary if it WERE to scale!! :)
[eeny] said…
really hilarious... good to know, I
actually thought there where some giants living on this planet. *ha ha ha*
Mars said…
HAHA! The funniest part is that they have to put that on there because at some point, someone really believed it was to scale. Sad. Like how they have to put on coffee cups that contents are HOT-be careful. Duh!
Sara said…
too funny! Congrats on your new baby on the way!!!
Brea said…
so funny. the sad part is though, is there is at least one person out there that will think that there really is one person standing on top of the world for all to see. haha
Jennifer said…
You know they wrote that for a reason. People will think it if you don't correct them. They have to be sure to clarify that we're not all giants!
amy said…
Ha ha. That's hilarious!!!
Melody said…
I'd hate to be the one in the first picture on the left---it looks like she's about to fall off the earth! It's good that we have gravity to hold us down! Love, Mother
Venassa said…
Haha thank God for that explanation.
Alexa Mae said…
bahahaha! this is good to know. i was about to pack up and head for the mountains! hehe
Suget said…
haha thanks for posting. made my morning a little bit better (:
Leigh said…
hey, just wanted to let you know that there's an award for you over on my page...


have a great day!
JED said…
You mean it is not to scale?

What is scale?
Whitney said…
They didnt want you to get confused. ha ha.