Tony and I were able to escape this weekend to a far away land... you may have heard of it. Aside from the "sin city" side of Vegas, there is actually a lot to do there come to find out! Compared to last year's Vegas trip, we did a whole heck of a lot more stuff. T'was good times. *although I only brought my small camera and didn't get very good pictures!
We saw the fountain show at the Bellagio, had dinner there at the Buffet, and went shoppiiiiiingggg! I found the most adorable headband at Anthro that I just couldn't pass up. I batted my eyes, and Tony rolled his and *cha-ching it was mine.

love it. I wore it the next day lol.
We got tickets to see Blue Man Group a week in advance. It was way awesome. If anyone else has gone, what was your favorite part? Besides the insane drumming bizniss, I was loving the tp party at the end. Hilarious.

The next day we went to the aquarium. It was fun doing something different this year..

For lunch we had big plans to go to Serendipity 3 but it was a year long wait so we ate somewhere else and later went to M&M WORLD! haha. 4 floors of insanely priced m&m's- I don't want to say how much we spent on a little bag for each of us.

And that was our little trip. It was great to come home to my little guy, wake him up at midnight so I could hug him. I said, "I love you" he whispered back, "I luh loo"
My family used to road trip to Vegas quite a bit and I'm sure there was lots that we'd do, but the only thing I really remember are our outings to Circus Circus.
We had lots of fun with you two!
I can't stop staring at the picture with the M&Ms!! Where exactly is that and how can I get there?!
and headband? so so beautiful!
Love your last post. Like father like son. SO cute! :)