This post goes out to all 3 people who have tried a recipe of mine a time or two. I like recipes... especially this one. You will die. These crepes are heaven on a fork. Especially when a unnatural amount of berries and nutella are used.
Thanks mom for the speedy emailed recipe... sorry readers for the not-so-speedy recipe. We enjoyed these this Christmas.. every Christmas really. A favorite of ours- and now yours. Oh- and this recipe is straight from a French lady my mom met- in France (i know, what are the odds) So be. excited.
the Crepes!
The guidelines are this:
For every person you are serving, mix together
- one egg
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/4 cup flour
- and a pinch of salt.
easy peasy.
As for the salt: if you are feeding 4 people, that should be about 1 teaspoon of salt (so 1/4 tsp. is a pinch, get it? Of course you do). For this recipe, is best if you mix it in a blender and leave it in the fridge overnight. If you don't have a blender, just mix it and leave overnight, covered. Mix or stir in the morning, and make in a crepe, or omelet sized pan. Put 1/4 cup of batter in a Pam-sprayed-pan or use a little butter if you don't worry about the calories (I know I don't). Cook (flip like you would pancakes) till it looks like the picture below. Add fruit or whatever in, roll up and enjoy. This recipe can also be used to make dinner crepes, if that's your thing. *Some variations on this recipe is to add a little sugar and a little vanilla for a sweet crepe.* Sounds delightful, does it not?! you can see, I held back a tad on the nutella and berries on Christmas morning. A tad might be an understatement. Alright alright! I am officially ashamed of that sad crepe picture.
seriously look so good!
you are just so dandy.
i can't wait for our date.
oooh i am just overflowing with stories and things to talk about.
so stoked so stoked.
ps should model for me and my veronica. she's been deprived of photo-ops lately. i haven't had a day off in weeks :( and when i have, there hasn't been sunlight!
BTW check it out :)
i haven't had a crepes in years :(
P.S. Um, kinda in love w/ your blog :-)